Discover why you binge and how to stop.

In order to solve binge eating you first have to understand it.

Binge Eating Freedom Coach

Ending Binge eating is possible and I can show you how

There is a very good reason why you do what you do with food. No matter how many years you’ve been struggling and how many approaches you’ve tried, there is another way.

You may feel like you’ve tried everything. You know what to eat. You’ve read the books. You’ve done the programs. You’ve spent countless money on therapy, treatment, and anything else you can find. You’ve tried the restrictive diets. You’ve tried the zero-restrictions approach. None of it gives you the peace you are looking for. Why does it feel so hard?

I know the pain of binge eating.

I didn’t understand how I could be so smart and so successful in every other area of my life yet feel so incapable of eating the way I knew I wanted to eat.

Anyone looking from the outside thought I had everything under control. In reality, I felt so out of control with food and it consumed all of my attention and focus.

Until everything changed. Once you learn it, you can’t unlearn it. I’d love to guide you to a life where you finally eat with ease.

Binge Eating Coach





The Binge Breakthrough Podcast

Binge Breakthrough is a podcast dedicated to unraveling the complexities of binge eating, compulsive overeating, emotional eating and food addiction. The podcast empowers listeners to reclaim their relationship with food and their bodies. Each episode delves into topics such as understanding the root causes of binge eating, practical strategies for managing triggers, and inspiring stories of recovery and resilience.

Whether you're struggling with binge eating yourself or seeking to support a loved one on their journey to healing, the Binge Breakthrough podcast offers valuable insights, and expert advice to guide you toward freedom from disordered eating habits..

“You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

– Albert Einstein